Friday, June 30, 2006 at 1:04 AM
woohoots, midyrs finally over...sheer jubilation, heavy weight off our puny little chests, hahaha, well, at least for most people, other than the poor chinese lads, jia you, 12+ hours to go nia!!! hahawee, so many things awaiting after the mid years, yucks but too bad they clash and stuff, maybe those clever physics people, like euguene, hahahaha, can invent a time machine, so i have time to do all the stuff =) there's class outing (someone alert the press), odac kboxing (earplugs recommended), night cycling (YESS), speed training (cannot miss), osim run (which i am going to go at a turtle's pace), sleeping (a must) and catching the confirmed german whipping of argentina at me uncle's house (also a must), whew, lotsa stuff to do, but no time to do it, arrrrghzits really amazing how slack and unfit the exams make you...went for a run after the horrific maths paper, which has so many unfilled holes in the paper that you could walk an elephant through, but more on that later. yucks, barely regained my breathing and pacing, almost "died"ed along the way, but then again, it felt good having lactate in your legs, whoops, hahaha. now for the maths paper, a horrific 3 hour nightmare for like 99% of the school population, i hope, to see if you belong, see if you fit into the citeria:1)continuous flipping of pages searching for non-alien questions,2)looking left and right seeing ur frens doing the same thing,3)staring at the clock and wondering how come time passes so slowly though its a maths paper,4)daydreaming/taking naps/taking toilet breaks,5)finding minute objects like your pen very interesting, if you do then congrats for being part of the 99%, if you do not, YOU'RE DISGUSTING
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 at 2:16 PM
boohoo, just had chem today, well, at least i know where my D for ODAC is coming from, hahahaaha, i'll be happy to get 10 marks for me essay questions, i'm so easily contented=) econs tomorrow, so screwed, but there's always something to look forward to, after tomorrow its only 1 day left =) for me that is, hahahaha, poor chinese ladsbrinjal's in australia now, hahaha, wonder how's she's doing now, seeing cows, having big open spaces, nice weather...arrrgh, like she said, perfect place for lazy bums, maybe i should consider going there also, hahahahaahasomehow life's always about dilemas and hard choices to make, hmm...caught a rat recently n me maid told me to kill it or it will spread rabies and blah blah...kill people...make people sick..bite through cables...blah blah, somehow i just couldn't bring myself to squash that tiny squirming hairball and now i wonder if i did the right thing. hopefully no one gets sick or rabies soon *fingers crossed*
chatted with konrad todae, he's in NYP now, quite sometime since our last chat, first question he asked was "you still go for camps?", hahahaha, well too bad he ain't going for them anymore till army that is.yuck, dunno what i have been doing these past feew days, seem so unfocused, unconcerned, somehow i seem to be acting again
Sunday, June 25, 2006 at 8:37 PM
exams are so really depressing, they really quash any sense of happiness that you might have outta you, they restrict you, blah blah, the list goes on. looking around everyone's studying, or seem to be studying, feels like i'm really lagging behind, didn't really mug much, actually only seriously started 2 days ago....well at least i started =) so much for self-consolation. 12 hours later, the first paper starts, and i'm here bloggin, neat, so much weighs on this mid-years, really hoping to get an ODAC, hahahaha, or better *fingers crossed*, bear said he wanted to get COCO, hahahah......parents been ranting that bad midyr results= 1 CCA....the horrifying prospects...really can't imagine if i had to stop either ODAC or RCC, its like choosing between your left n ur right hand, tough choice to make....hopefully mr seet's right, "if you screw up this time, there's just gonna be a little trouble", banking all my hope on the word LITTLEtotally gave up hope on wanting to take H3 liaoz, other than the fact that its impossible considering the grades that i am going to produce, it simply wun fit into my scheldule (if i have one), having my thurs and fridaes shaved off are like cutting out my lungs, hahaha, weird metaphor, but heckschool starts tomorrow, sick mann....hahahaha, one part of me wants it to start, one part says sian, you get to see people that you dun wanna see, you get to see people that you wanna see, do things that you wanna do, things that you dun wanna do, guess everyone feels that way. self-consolation again.
Friday, June 23, 2006 at 7:56 PM
almost been a week since OT ended and many odacers are still raving about korbu, hahahaha, me included of course, coming back spells midyears, PW...blah blah blah, which totally sucksnot much time to mug, had springfield rock on for the past 2 days, hahaahaha, not many people signed up, so the girls were all automatically promoted into the finals =) the guys got to thrash it out amongst 21 of us, blehz, the wall was quite like shit larz, some parts were like "wtf???" hahahaha, you get the general idea.....somehow i got into the finals, guessed that i was ranked 8th out of the 8 that made it, louis also made it, somehow i didn't want to go for the fianls, had odac maths makeup lesson on thurs, and my maths sucks, but then again, the urge to climb was too great =) the finals was even more fun, lead climbing up a @#$#$^$& wall, great...promptly fell off the first contour, hahahha, guess i need to train up on my finger power....the pros like xiu quan took their own sweet time, hahahaha, expected larzdevised some sick training programme, aimed to get everyone to do like 20 pullups by like 3 months =) we're gonna have lotsa fun in the coming months ahead, hehehe hope to do at least 30 by the end of august =)oh mann, missed the session at climbasia with hallier todae cuz dad wuz at home, haiz...really wanted to go, wanted to see what he had for us..sad case la, but somehow i got my dad to allow me to help in the odac sai kang, to carry chairs and tables for the entire school, yes, THE ENITRE SCHOOL, well, maybe just the J1 batch, you'd better thanks us soon, cuz we help you to set up your grave, set our own grave too, hahahahaha, the irony of it, we gotta bring it back also, double irony,
Sunday, June 18, 2006 at 10:56 PM
woohoots, OT totally rocked mann, lotsa things to blog about, arrgh, dunno how to organise my thoughts, hmm...let's have pictures first =)

how'd often do you get a view liddat mann, it so totally rocks la, hahahahaha, mann, like perera said: "its the small things at the end that make it all worth it"
arrgh, still dunno how to blog about the trip, hahahahahaha, so on high now =D , we all started out quite high, no doubt thanks to the fish and co dinner we had, which some people kept turning up late, eh erm, some leec...h, oops, hahaha, amazingly the bus ride to ipoh was quite comfy, leg rest, arm rest...blahh....arrived in the morning at the foot of korbu for A 4WD RIDE, hahahaha, best car ride of me life so far, the uncle almost drift like in Initial D la, hahahaha with leech, shi bo, willy, sze han and me hanging on for dear life at the back, getting slapped around by palm leaves, fianlly reached some broken bridge that heralded the start of the trek up. started out with lotsa leech attacks, hahahaha, liwen was screaming like madd, hopping around so much that you can't even pluck off the leech happily sucking away, hahahahaha, burst one on my leg and saw a pool of blood, heck it, worst part was that the bleeding wun stop and started to form major stalactites on my feet, which further attracted more leeches, great =)
walked quite alot, like 8 to 9 hrs on the first day, came across like 20 million low branches (i counted), said about 20 million vulgarities (weird coincidence), saw quite a few leeches, best part was the water crossings, i love it, to the dismay of liwen, hahaha, her and her leeches. then it began to rain. being caught in the rain is quite normal, but trekking through rain in a rainforest with a poncho is really one heck of an experience. the poncho's getting ripped to bits, you still have bout a few km to cover, the wind's blowing, and you have to crawl under branches, not a good combination. finally reached some clearing, where leeches were rampant and the weather was still wet, somehow, we never pitched tents so fast before, hahahahhaha, all huddled in our tent, examining our bloody legs, waists and eh ermz, groins for some, hahahaha, the blood just kept coming, hahahaha. went out into the freezing, rainy night to collect water with ys, willy, liwen and miss ng, had a leech fiesta on my leg, i swear 2 leeches were making out on my leg, hahahaha, the nerve of them. due to the rain, hot food was off the list, had to make do with 3 packets of 3-in-1 milo and khong guan, bless creators of milo and khong guan, you rock mann, after the first night, i felt as if there can't be worse shit that this, hhahahaha
woke up the in morning to begin a schelduled 9 hr hike, poured blood water out of my kluang adidas, first time i saw that happen, boy it was erm, (paraphrase nice here). the rest was a blur of branches, leeches and falls, audrey and lala apparently almost fell off the cliff, luckily fan fan and willy caught them, gd job guys =) hahahahaha, almost fell off myself when my foothold gave way into nothingness, haha, scrambled back up like mad. somehow liwen and me became the first pair and followed topoi to the top, mann, he's fast, no wonder he's a commando, hahahahahaha, crawled in ankle deep mud, in rainy weather and darkness, gosh, a perfect R & R location, hahahahaha, the view at the top was nice when the clouds parted to allow us a fleeting glance of Ipoh below, dammn, it felt good. was freezing at the top, we all realised the importance of quick tent pitching mann, 3 layers of clothes and its still cold, imagine that without shelter, brrrrrr. had some sort of foodfest that night, buter cookies, heavenly mackeral in teriyaki, baked beans....and milo..hahahaha, somehow the tent next to us did not get any pasta, they were having froot loops (best ceral in the world) and chunky, god, that night was unforgettable in its own right, wore socks in the middle of the night cuz i couldn't feel my toes, cold like shit
woke up in the morning to Am's voice, telling us to wake up to see the view that we had climbed 2183 meters for, and it was great mann, see the pictures for urself, felt as if you were on the top of the world, had some hamster food for breakfast, courtesy of dennis, hahaha, made some stupid videos, took quite alot of pics before setting off, hahaha

the coming down part was quite fun, all of us were in high spirits, somehow the descent was easier, though i had 5 butt to ground experiences, but sara still beat me by having 7 hahahahahahah, somehow we split up into 2 groups, we had quite a few rests compared to the second group, finally reached the waterfall rest point again, wuz quite glad to find a toilet, hahahahahaha, trek down the first base camp quz quite unevenful, other than alvin injuring his leg, some people told us that it was either a dislocated or broken knee, but he kept on going, never say die eh, hahahaha. had a wonderful dinner that night, lotsa pasta for everyone, a slight rain did not dampen out spirits at all, food Ics were camped out in the shelter, constantly bringing hot food to us, thanks food Is!!!!!
woke at 5.47 am on the last day on korbu, dunno why also, kept having weird dreams of the trek down, hahahaha, as if i revisited the way down again, maybe i was sleepwalking =p saw the magnificent view of the stars in the early morning, though not as nice as on kota, but it'll have to do. all of us were in super high spirits as we descended the last part of our korbu journey, leech bites were still rampent, we all suffered, legs were bloodied (in the case of hui hui), but we all just chionged on, literally, running full speed into low branches (ouch), but i guess we didn't give a dammn, after quite sometime, THE BROKEN BRIDGE CAME INTO VIEW AGAIN, many of us did the 100m dash, 100% satisfaction. we all broke into cheers, nursed our broke backs in the water, wahhhhh, heavenly sia, mr seet did something with his pants which i shalt not mention, hhahahaha, soaked in the water for 1 hr plus before going on the 4WD back to civilisation, mannn, it wass good
as we waited for the coach, suggestions were abundant on where we should go for the Dec OT, hmmm...maybe everest? hahahahahaha, just jokin, liwen wanted to climb korbu again, gosh, being near a monster sure helps, hahahaha somehow, it felt weird being back into civilisation again, you feel more insecure than in the jungle, or maybe its just me, checked into robin hotel, where i had my first bath with tap water for 4 days, let's just say spring water felt better. had food fest that night, crazy angels and mortals passing food around like nobody's buisness, hmmm...ys showed he was another kx, hahahahaa, i had let's see, rojak, dumplings, fries, kuay teow, chicken wings, ice kachang, ramly burger, watermelon juice, coke, sprite ice...blah blah. watched the 6-0 massacare of Serb by the argentinians that night, hahahaha went to sleep after the first half, too tired, felt uncomfortable having a soft bed also, hahahaha, weird ain't it
white water rafting and caving was on the agenda of the last day, dammn, i kept missing korbu, hahahaha, the bus ride to the rapids was short, most people were sleeping, split up into rafts, my boat got mr seet, me and yongsheng at first, hahahaha, that would have been one heck of powerboat, the rapids were quite fun, but we kept getting stuck...awww...flew out of the raft once, hahahaha, somehow wilson flew over alvin in his raft, somehow, after i joined odac and rcc, nothing seems impossible. the yellow raft reached first, me and ys got two chances at drifting down river, it was so fun, hahahaaha
took a lorry to the caving are after that, saw this guy cutting grass in the middle of the forest, mann, they have weird hobbies and pasttimes there, reached the caves, mann, its a paradise for me that is, caving, rock climbing, abseiling, blah blah blah, you name it, they have it, the caves were awesome, it really makes you wonder whether god really exists or not, after seeing all these spectacular stuff. the fun part was when we had to crawl and slide down holes, me and alvin caught almost everyone sliding down, though we missed a few =p sorri, some parts were real dark, plus we had to crawl in water, hahahaha, one of a kind experience again
after that went to parkson grand for the boring old buisness of shopping again, yawnz, hahaha nothing much to do there, apparently never go try marybrown or sushi king there, or so the guide and the rest of odac told us, hahahahaha boarded the coach back to singapore, wahhhh i want to go back to KORBU =(
reached school at 4. freaking O clock, so much for the expected jam, haha, everyone found a place to sleep in the canteen or somewhere else, me and eugene found a place in the treehouse where i finally found a use for my mat, hahahaha woke up 1 hr later to go to toilet and eugene thought that i had rolled off the treehouse, jokes, hahahahaha everyone woke up at like 7 plus to clean up and stuff, then we all sat in the treehouse talking crap, eating mac deliveries before the debrief.
somehow, the debrief was the most impt part of all, we reflected and remembered...all the shit we had, and all the fun we had, sigh, when will we have it again, like what mr seet said, its these kinda things that sets us apart from the rest of the school, all our "stripes" earned from the korbu plants, "badges" graciously earned from the leeches, we might forget all these one day, or be disbanded worlds apart, but we're still the odac 23rd batch that lasted thru korbu for 4 days. everyone's strong, i'd have to admit it, no one gave up, greatest respect goes to the girls of ODAC, some of you are stronger than the guys, me included, hahahahahahahahaaha.
there were times when all felt pretty demoralised i guess, me too, felt quite useless at times, when you just don't have the power of the will, felt like the lowest lifeform on earth, but then i looked at the rest of odac, and felt strength go through me again, strength lies not in 1 person, but in a group =)
Sunday, June 11, 2006 at 10:43 PM
1 more day till OT starts, feeling quite excited now, ahahaha, somehow i dun feel like sleeping, i just wish that time can pass by faster =) totally no mood to study now, whatever, hahaah, so excited!! tomorrow going to yishun to toprope before going to korbu, hope it doesn't rain *fingers crossed*,or that the weather machine is down for repairsjust watched Munich, quite a nice show, rated M18 though =) and i can see why, hahaha, people getting stabbed in the head, getting shot to pieces, mann, wonder how people could go watch it in cinemas with popcorn, yeuck, it really spoils your appetite. but it still loses to the video i watched on Youtube, whereby people get blown up by a sniper rifle and rest in pieces. yuck, the funny stuff i watch. 
been pondering this question, do we determine fate or do we let fate determine us? maybe i should ask KI for the answer to this, hahaha
Saturday, June 10, 2006 at 8:16 PM
somehow i dunno what to blog about now, quite a lot to say but dunno really how to put it down, so i guess randomness kicks in againwoohoo, opening match of world cup was last night, and yep GERMANY WON, that totally rocks, becoz i bet wif my dad that deustchland would win =) somemore i predicted the score correctly somemore, hahahaha, 4 -2, woohooguess that everyone's looking forward to the korbu trip, hard not to be, how often do you get to go on a trip with 23 of your family members? hahahaha somehow, i personally think that we are quite ill prepared for this trip, uh huh, we ain't trained for it yet, so yep, honestly, i don't think i can make it all the way either. cuz i'm carrying a "cross" on my back, hahaha, 20kg plus of stuff on me back, and it heavy, hahaha, but yea, just going on and see what happensaww mann, i hate politics. cuz there's alot of toking and in the end, usually both parties get heated up over something and invariably, it slides into dirty stuff. talking nasty stuff about one another yeuck, somehow people will just take sides in the end, and things end up nastier, but let's not go into more nasty stuff. STAY AWAY FROM POLITICSknow what? we should all go do whatever we like, and not listen to others. when things get complicated, switch off your brains and listen to your heart. and as long as we're happy, nothing much else matters anymore, yep
Friday, June 09, 2006 at 12:51 AM
i have a theory that Singapore has a weather machine. yup. A WEATHER MACHINE. and i know where they use it too, AT YISHUN SAFRA. cuz whenever we go there to climb, it rains, i mean, how coincidental could it be mann, it started raining just before we started climbing @#%$*, well, suzanne presented us wif 3 options, hahahahaha, 1: go into the bouldering gym, which costs 10 freaking bucks per session with 40 small little kids screaming their heads off, 2: go to climbasia, which is freaking far away, or 3: GO WATCH A MOVIE1 was not bad, we wanted to muscle the kids outta the way, hahahaha, some people wanted 2, which i personally think was nuts and 3, nah, even though i ain't caught X-MEN 3 yet, boohoo, hahawe waited for the rain to stop, then we did top rope, yay, too bad the wall was preety wet. white chalk juice filling up the jugs and flowing down the rockwall ain't a sight to see, AND IT RAINED AGAIN, CURSE YOU WEATHER MACHINE, hahaha, somehow, i forgot to tie the white line to the toprope, before yelling rope. great. so i did the orange route in a moderate drizzle, superb weather, if you wanna fall offSAFRA people are nice. they let us boulder for FREE in the end, hahaha, how cool is that! so we shared the gym with the screaming little "brats", gosh, my impression of them as angels vanished in a instant, apparently, those little "angels" know how to scold the 4 letter word, and have an attitude to match, haiz, kids these days, hahahahaa, audrey was quite pissed, hahahaWE SAW ZAKI todae, the living legend, haha, maybe i'm exaggerating it, but man, he's quite pro, plus xiu quan was also there, mann, he flies, literally, hahahaha, you'd really have to bow down to themfianlly fixed the leaking pipe, went all the way to parkway to buy a new one, spent close to 1/2 n hr fixing the darn thing, now i know why plumbers charge 100 bucks, hell, i would, oh mann, went to parkway to find a bag for OT, i'm so dead. i don't have an OT bag, guess i'll have to buy one by tomorrow, arrghzstumbled on the DEX photos, haha, mann, those 2 months were fun indeed, i'd have to admit, i miss 28/06, awwwww, mann, i feel like sneaking in tj again, hehehe
Tuesday, June 06, 2006 at 10:54 PM
6.6.06, today was supposed to be bad, but it turned out alrite, well for most of us that is, xcept dennis, whom was quite suay. but i still SALUTE HIM, haha, yep. know why? cuz he missed his flight to Vietnam, missed a biannual taekwando competition that he had been training super hard for, to send his sick sister to hospital. i mean, i thought such people were extinct mann, its like i just saw i dinosaur! haha, aniwayz, dennis, you're the man, hahahapioneering turned out preety well (i guess), woke up at 8.50, smsed hui hui n found out that it was supposed to start at 9. great. flew to sch in my bike, reached in 25 mins, almost a new record, hahahaahha. arrived to see cher li getting ready for a run, he asked me to go run wif him instead of pioneering, nononononono, hahahasaw the plans for the structure we intended to build, it looked as if we were going to build 2 louvres, and i'm not kidding. immediate reaction: WTF, but what the heck, the pioneering ICs, must have a clue of what we're doing right, so we went a building, after much knot tying, plus the occasional @#&*%, we finally got a lopsided louvre. yayrain was not really welcomed, someone clever nut did a rain dance or something, heck, with it came lightning and thunder, not really the ideal conditions for building a tall structure, standing on top of it and raising ur hands. aniwaez, we wore our ponchos in the search for lunch, right into neptune court, hahahaha, imagine trees walking into 7-eleventhe louvre was finally straightened after lunch, after much trial and errors, almost collapsed, hahaha, in the end, only 1/3 of the original plan was completed, but great jobs guys and girls. then the crappy part came. untying the louvre. wet knots are TIGHT. following that came the most intensive swearing session i'd ever had, yep, you can imagine. celebrated xinhui's bdae at pp after tat, at CRYSTAL JADE, where the food serving is halved with the price doubled, hahaha, had second dinner with the "remnants" of odac after tat, still not full, guess we're all turning into kai xiangs, hahahahayawn, better go mug, hahahaha
Monday, June 05, 2006 at 12:46 AM
finally a nice blog skin that i like, yay, say its nice or i'll pulverize you into teeny weeny bits and pieces, no, i ain't forcing younothing much to tok about, so i shalt take willy's advice. randomness, yep, pure randomness. like how good the weather is today, bright and sunny, with a touch of sweltering heat. absolutely perfect skies. hopefully i wun freeze on korbu. i've got a confession to make, up till now, i still dunno the exact dates for the OT. yep, you all can drag me out and shoot me, haha, can some kind soul out there tell me? please? hahahahaha. the OT packing list seems a bit the weird, no energy bars? tht's like having ice kachang without ice. energy bars are quessential to camps. periodtomorrow's buying day, supposed to be for food I's only, but then again, it would be good to know what u'd be eating for 3 days, other than pasta, and pasta, and pasta. no standard deviation. oh yea, its 2 more for the almost-get-knocked-down meter, this came preety close, another milisecond and i'd be a wicked paint job on that volvo. oops, scared a couple of elderly folk, apparently people don't take it too kindly if you hurtle down the sidewalk at round 40km/h, barely missing them n stuff liddat. come on, don't you all trust my riding skills, hahaha, actually i dun even trust myself on thatfirst time i cycled on me own to east coast and back, quite quiet for a sunday night of the sch holidays, come on people, GET OUT OF UR HOMES!!! needless to say, attempts at mugging were denied by the computer and my bikeblah blah blah, random stuff, i hate it when people say that i'm rich. cuz it ain't true. a bike and a few pairs of outdoor shoes don't indicate that someone's rich. its just that i go for lesser concerts, geleare trips, starbucks and all those other stuff. some people derive satisfaction from those stuff no doubt, but i get mine from my bike =) so its just resource allocation, nothing much to it. yucks speaking of this, i've been spending lotsa money lately, need to save up for lotsa stuff, presents and whatnotsuddenly felt like i got lotsa things to say, flash of inspiration, KI's question of having a perfect world that you could go to at the price of forgetting everything that happened in this world suddenly dawned on me. i wouldn't. i just don't want to forget.immortality. why do people search so hard for it? its no fun if everyone around you dies, you'd be a loner, literally. i mean things are precious because we lose them right? who'd want an eternal stuff???
Sunday, June 04, 2006 at 1:20 AM
yawn, the past week can be summed up in one word: "rocks", literally saw alot of them, let's see, climbed on mon, tues, wed and friday,yep, climbing week, some odac peeps had level one on mondae, suzanne's bf, ben came to teach them, people said they look mismatched, but not realli wad, hahaha, they look quite okay together, climbed like mad on that day, signed on the black book at the top at least 5 times la, too bad none of the odacers got to sign in it =(, nvm, you all will, someday, tues was another failed mugging day, only remembered the climbing part, hahaha, went to climbasia on wed, mann, ben is one heck of a nice guy, i mean, he donated two ATCs and one allen key to RCC la, wishing that we would prosper, hehe, $100 bucks leh, mann, at least we all know tht nice people do exist in this world =D so THANK YOU BEN!!!
you ain't seen nothing yet till the pros do it, same with climbing, saw the video of Dan Osman's (god rest his soul) speed climbing, THAT WAS SOME FREAKY STUFF MANN!!!!! 400 feet cliff in 4 mins plus, without a rope. yep, you read it correctly, without a rope, plus a freaking dyno at 300 feet up in the air, what in the world is he made of mann...he either had balls of steel or be lost some ball bearing in his head. Saw Zao Xiu from Springfield at climbadventure, another pro, crazy mann...finished the 'cest la vie route in one go, even winfred can't do that, plus "i believe i can fly" route, which according to rachael, requires red bull, cuz it gives you wings, hahaa, you have to hand it to the pros mann
we don't appreciate things until we lose them, didn't think that it would take me until now to realise, after what we been through on me spraining my ankle, my knee and finger, hobbling around my home like some cripple *shudders* this what being one feels like? i bet they feel lotsa times worse, so i guess i shouldn't complain.
was sitting around, bored at home, tryin to study, when it dawned on me that "hey, maybe the sprain was for a reason, someone's trying to tell me something", in short: SLOW DOWN, yep, slow down, realised that everything that i'm doing since i got into JC has been like woosh here, fly there, not much time to sit down and stone like back in VS, mannn....those were the days, hahaha *reminenscent eyes* (is that how you spell it?), aniwaez, my ankle felt well enuf for a bike ride, yep, a bike ride, technically i'm forbidden to by me mum, but what the heck, i decided to cycle to veejay, haha. afterall, its just in the vicinity =) somehow i was doubting the "slow down" message on he way there, and at that moment, it started to ache, perfect timing, someone up there really meant it, yep, haha. saw miss ho at the traffic junction before Marine Parade Library, haha, she was quite freaky, looking at me thru the window, smiling, sheesh, i waved and sped off like mad, hahahaha, not really the best thing to do but yea.
went to sch, saw jiawei they all back in sch liaoz, not bad, they survived =) only odac can accomplish something like this, hahahaha =p aniwaez, its lik 0142 now, so late that its early, haha so morning, yawn
Thursday, June 01, 2006 at 1:51 PM
If you're reading this, i'm sorry for the problems i brought you, I was selfish and ignorant, you have a right to be angry, anyone would be, i'll step aside from now on