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Monday, July 31, 2006 at 9:10 PM

aww shucks, guess i'm too addicted to climbing, hahaha if there's such thing, kept hearing "ready, tension, GO!!" in my sleep, maybe i'm going mad

flu sucks. period. it leaves you feeling like a piece of shit that has been trodden by like one million people oww, but then again, like alvin says "what does not kill you makes you stronger", i wun't go just yet, haha

finally gotten the class sweater, black with orange words "zerosixsthreefour" on it, just my colour. different people analyse things differently, like some people sayin the words looked like "christopher", others said "carrefour", but what matters is how i look at it =)

how did i land myself with so much work to do? worst of all is that they require a lot a lot of words and hence cannot be crapped up at the last moment. great. still got Air chief proposal to type out, haha, actually a bit of it, audrey's doing most of it, hahaha, i should go help, yep. still got a onw week old GP essay, labelled it the forgetten GP essay on my draft, hope that kan forgets =p

yay getting a new com soon, wonder if i should get a laptop or a desktop, dad says that its either a god like desktop, or a mobile but not so godlike laptop which will have to shared, personally i like the laptop, but too bad it wun be so god like =(, for the sake of a faster internet connection and to play games, a desktop would be my final choice =)

its so quiet now, just listening to the crickets outside, peace at last, a momentary escape from the high speed of life, i bet there was a time not so long for everyone when we were all contented, jc life changes people mann, hahaha, like a certain alvin i know, haiz, some people change for the better, some people change for the worse and there are those who also remain unchanged for good or worse. wellz, back to work =p, whoever is reading this, YOU TOO

Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 9:52 PM

eyes opened big big today, oh my god, if climbers in south east asia "fly" like that, then what are world climbers? you'd need a high speed cam next week, when the WORLD CUP STARTS!!!! die die also must go see, hahaha

hmm...vj did quite okaay for NISCC, still wearing the shirt now, hahaha, but aniwaez, xiaoxian got individual third, randell 2nd and GOT ASKED BY FERNINDAZ FOR HIS NUMBER!!!! in other words for people who don't climb, HE MIGHT BE SHORTLISTED FOR THE NATIONAL TEAM!!!!! which is freaking godlike....rcc only 1.5 yrs get such result, hmmm...look out for vj rcc in the future =)

oops, hahaha,, still got the team events, girls A div got 4th (good job!), guys B div got 4th (good job too!!! haha) and finally guys A div got 3rd(best!!!!!!) hahahaha, yay its been a good day, we'll keep on training for next year!!!

oh yea, oops broke my vow not to drink red bull todae, guess i needed wings

hmm...used to think that climbers climbed for the sake for winning, but guess i'm wrong, they just do it for the sake of climbing. not for glory or bragging rights, but like susanna said, for the way you feel on the wall. uh huh, sounds philosophical and stuff, hmm...maybe pro climbers should take KI, some should take AEP too, with their abstract art of cliffs and climbs, hmm..okay, better not delve into this too much, better go bathe, hahahaha

Saturday, July 29, 2006 at 10:43 AM

time for serious reflections, i don't think that i can cope with everything, so yea, i have to choose between my right and left hand. missing home so much, heck now i just sleep and eat in it, dun even get much time to watch my favourite cartoons. i get home so tired i do much but drink coffee and push on. i'm tired of all this, it was fun while it lasted, there's gonna be plenty of fun ahead, maybe i won't get to enjoy it, choices are supposed to make us better off rite?

i've no time for myself, missing out on things that i used to enjoy, sitting around and just reading a book, garden's a bit neglected, feeling fatigue on weekends AAAAARRRRRRRGHHHHHHH, and the list goes on, think i'm gonna either implode or explode one of these days, haiz, let it all be over

Thursday, July 27, 2006 at 11:44 PM

speed training is getting more and more song, because people get faster and faster, can really feel the speed, need to pull in the roope faster and faster =) muhahaha, hope that we'll overtake the other schs *keep your fingers crossed*

whoever says that anger is a bad thing can seriously go jump down, anger gives energy but you just gotta know how to channel the anger out of you, for example, SPEED CLIMBING!!! think of the thing that pisses you off the most during the course of that day, breathe hard, and GO GO GO!!! sheer jubilation =)

mann, coordinating simple stuff is mad larhz, like for example arranging for teachers to supervise the opening of the flying fox n abesiling tower becoz
1) somehow thurs is PW day for the rest of the sch (crap)
2)only PE teachers are qualified to open it (double crap)
3)most PE teachers have PW (what crap)
4)mr seet loves to pay people back by having people wait for him (never mind)
all in all, it was fun, hahahaha, god i'm shitty at knots, triple crab knot? dun ever trust me to tie that for you, hahahahaha. abesiling is fun, but can we pleeeeeaaaaasssssseeeee remove the secondary belayer at the top of the tower?? otherwise you descend so slowly boohoo =( just let go all the way audrey, hahahaha

aww mann, felt so guilty during farewell, didn't get anything for my mortal ugghz, i promise that i will get something soon!!!!

wonder who's the sicko who takes pictures of VJ girls' skirts and spread it to MOE la, he's really some bastard, now even the new paper knows and they send reporters to take pictures of skirts at the bus stop, what the heck la, girls you ought to be outraged

Wednesday, July 26, 2006 at 10:46 PM

hmm, this post shalt be dedicated to my old desktop which i hope to be replaced soon *fingers crossed* hahaha, its literally a dinosaur in its own right, 5 YRS OLD LEHZ, sum great great grand dino liaoz, spent more time with it than lotsa other things, hahahaha, banged it up a couple of times, to fix it, but somehow it just ain't working this time =(

yay, winfred said that we may have a chance of winning speed, at least getting into the finals, only SR AND TP, no pressure, hahaha, no pressure at all, hopefully the others are not so pro, though we ain't heard of them before, hahahahahah, thou i shan't name them =)

odac farewell tomorrow, cash splurgin sia, hahahaha, the term empty coffers is an apt description of me now, but there's always bread, woohoo!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006 at 11:56 PM

soccer match today was quite fun, could have gotten like 5 red cards? a 90 min game is sick, respect for the soccer guys mann, tan u wee is a freaking brick wall with reinforced concrete bars, he DOES NOT FALL WHEN YOU TACKLE HIM, we all need to be like that =)

oh mann, spoilt jia ning's bike today, she's not exactly in good mood somemore, arrghz, gonna get hell from her, but then again, i spoilt it, haiz...hope that the bike repair guy comes down soon again

woah, learnt something interesting today, when people in the past had a secret, they would climb a mountain, carve a hole in a tree, whisper the secret in it and fill it up with mud, neat huh

milestone today, finally went for the single maths lecture after bio lecture, haha, lecturer kept asking whether the mike was muffled and whether a technician should be called in, hahahahaha, come on ITS YOUR MUFFLED VOICE

Wednesday, July 19, 2006 at 12:42 AM

yay, bloggin in my room now =) using my dad's laptop, real fun, my desktop's down, same as wilson's, arrghz, n it sucks

visited sze han that sick person todae, literally sick, afterall what do you call a person who has 2As and 1B for midyrs who is lying is hospital? only me and zara went today la, the rest of the class are unfeeling people mann especially sum butter whom dearly misses his bridge partner, hahahahaha, just joking=) enlarged spleen and infected liver, uggh, nasty bug going round, docs suspected he got it from korbu, little wonder why..liang was right, leave sze han there any longer and he would have found a cure himself. told us that he got his B for maths because he was feverish on that day and took panadol, sick s*** there for you

missed odac saikang because of that, come to think of it, have not been doin saikang for quite sometime, losing touch on how to carry chairs and tables =( there's saikang tomorrow again, odac to the rescue, haiz what would the school do without us?

yucks getting increasingly impatient, almost wanted to spew expletives at people blocking my way, at teachers yea the list goes on, maybe cuz i'm speeding? dunnno larhz

yay, seet said that we can organise weekly sessions of flying fox for the college!! let there be fun (and screams) =)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006 at 1:05 AM

uggh, long time since my last post, as usual, its a late night post again, god its so late that its early *yawn*, mmmm, banana nut crunch ceral is nice, hahahahahaha, totally random

investiture so rocked, other than a few minor hiccups, it was smoother than a baby's butt, and for that we thank the people who have been so busy for the past 2 weeks, wilson (nice video btw =) ), yongsheng, dennis, KI wong, xiaoyun and chilli padi!!!! wished that kai xiang was there, so we COULD SEE HIM WEAR HIS WINGS!! hahahaha, sherene looked pretty angelic, wonder how kx will look like, hmm. finally got to dunk some people in a long long time, cher li, KI, dennis n we were just returning leech to his natural aquatic habitat. hahahha, told you guys that you could hide but not run, hahahaahaha

yucks, i'm eating so much ceral for supper, my 3rd bowl already, mann, if i had not joined NCC, RCC and ODAC, i would have been a big fat pig *shudders* i just can't keep my hands off chocolates, some choco-dipole attraction thingy, so i appeal to all now, help me keep away from chocolates, constantly remind me that chocolates are off limits!

today was quite bad in a fun sort of way. sounds quite oxymoronic. early in the morning saw monica, yucks, fell off cloud nine immediately, plus practicals, total crappy morning, with only 2 breaks, uggghhhhh. tiny glimmer of hope of ponning GP appeared in the form of paid saikang, i'd say it was meant to be, hahahahaha. oh yea, quite happy that i got 51 for GP!! =)

climbing today wuz a bit weird, randell wanted to switch shi tian with me, trialed on a new route which is totally screwed up, missed couple zillion times, but still motivated becoz TJ is participating n WE'LL SHOW THEM!!!!! hahahahahaha, dun come whack me

Thursday, July 13, 2006 at 12:50 AM

its 1245 in the morning now and i'm still at the com, doing research for GP, pooey, feel like just cutting and pasting, heck it all, should have done it earlier =(

writing everything down in de veejay jotter book, unwittingly flipped to a page, which has the following quote "Time goes by so fast, people go in and out of your life. You must never miss the oppourtunity to tell these people how much they mean to you.", its like so correct lo, mann, didn't realise that it had all these good stuff n chucked it aside, i solemnly swear to treasure the book from now on =)

turned out today that the new zelanders were not so scary after all, we expected them to weigh a ton (oops, sorri), but yea, they did all rite, one climbed the entire speed route, pretty amazing, hahaha
learnt how to setup the flying fox todae, hehehe, next time can setup to raise funds liaoz =p, $2 bucks per slide, hahahahaa, but the crabs are all rusty, so not advisable. that sounds like the crusty crab in spongebob, hahahahaha, oh mann, i miss watching that show with nathan, eating froot loops till there's sugar all over the place, finishing half the entire box, oh mann, i wanna go back there again!!!!

Monday, July 10, 2006 at 7:32 PM

somehow i feel lost and unsure now, whatever i plan to do and say seems irrelevant when i see you, i'm confused, my mind and instincts are telling me different things, how i wish that sadness was beyond me, is it beyond you too? i don't want to believe all that's staring me in the face, i just want to run away from it all, from you, from all the unhappiness that's plaguing everyone.

i'd say we discovered the secret to invisibility, it needs to be mutual. you don't see me, i don't see you, but there's a price to pay, i'm so tired of this "debt", i don't know how much longer i can go anymore, are you feeling what i'm feeling?

Sunday, July 02, 2006 at 9:51 PM

missed the chance to blog bout lotsa stuff that happened, night cycling n stuff, cuz my com wuz a bit the sock, and hung there when i was still typing, gave up after a while, stopped short of smashing and kicking it, you know, my way of fixing things =)

hmm...school started liaoz lo, bleahz, quite sucky, getting back the horrigible results and stuff, seeing how sick people can get in VJC, carl's junior is right, "monsters do exist" and they come in all shapes and sizes too, for example, sze han is a monster in his own right, having almost certainly scored 4 As in the recent mid-years, which is totally sick, you have people like fan zhe who can score an A in physics, despite not seeing him study at all, well at least i didn't =), oh me gosh, and the list goes on, and all i got to show are a C and an S, wonderful. the C is a 64.4 somemore, arrrrrgh, well, who call me never study la, hahahahahahaha

sighz, haven't told me parents bout the results yet, heard them saying that if I fail anything then i need to drop one of me activities, which i seriously hope will not happen *crosses fingers*, well, my choice is made up, i'll leave the rest up to the one above =)

yesterday was project X, weird task mann, missed speed training for that, whn i got to the door, willy told me that i might as well go back, haha, wrong time to be there, they had just gotten the misson objectives, which was to recce ubin. yep, ubin. HOW THE HECK DID RUMOURS OF CLEANING MR SEET'S HOSTEL BECOME RECONING UBIN, hell, we even brought rags, hahahahaha
24 hours was all we had to literally plan an expedition to ubin, with info lik road width, climate, local dialects (oh shit), blah blah, aniwaez, we were able to rent bikes and it was done in a jiffy, no sweat, hahahahaha, seet cut short the time to 12 hrs, but we were able to adapt and finish the task allocated to us, good job guys =) (and girls, haha)

learnt lotsa things yesterday, for example family's always first, yea, didn't really quite get it, felt quite guilty myself also, not putting it first at times, sometimes making my parents go out of their way just to accomodate me, kept going home late almost for the entire week, didn't really see my parents alot, strange, isn't that supposed to happen only to the working class? no wonder being a student is also listed down as an occupation. could really sense that my parents wanted to spend some time with me, like going to fish and co for lunch and catching a movie after that, my dad even raised the idea of getting a new computer, to keep me at home i guess, haiz




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