Thursday, August 31, 2006 at 4:22 PM
never leave your phone with them
today's teachers' day!! though i'm not a teacher, but it still rocks! went back to weeass as well as MBS. yes not like a lot of ungrateful people, oops!
rained elephants and rhinos todae, unbelievably wet, so much for a dry teachers' day, aniwaez, weejay teachers' dae celebrations rock. icomp people are nothing short of brillant, sc and ct worked their guts out also, not forgetting house com also. wonderful videos, gender confused teachers, no need for further explanination. funtastic.
ran in the rain to go back to weeass, found that all the teachers' were coming to weejay for lunch, grrrr, saw mr phua aniwaez, still as cynical as ever, some things never change. went back to weejay again. saw all the teachers, mdm tay's pregnant (again), mr Ee's encouraging words, mr chew's load of crap, mr thiru's grin and miss lyana's gonna treat us!!! glad they've not changed, they'll always be a part of my weeass experience =)
went back with han teng to mbs after that, not many people, in fact only the two of us. saw mrs sum, mrs seah, mrs wong, yea, amazing that they still recognized me after these long years, haiz, they aged quite a bit, saddening =( uncle elvis still recognizes me! omg, he rocks. got lotsa advice from all of them, can't really blog out the feeling, but its great seeing all of them.
you send me to heaven and hell in an instant
Sunday, August 27, 2006 at 11:34 AM

really really cool pics huh, hahaha, of course, they're taken by me! =)exams are really depressing. they just suck the life soul outta you and lets you fade into oblivion. sighz, guess its something like the dementors in harry potter just in a more sinister form, hiding in every school just waiting for the legalised periods in which they can strike. some of course know the patronus charm and are immune to it, like sze han for example, hahahaha, he can defeat exams anyday. but for mudane people like us, we struggle and fight for the existence of our souls with little to prove for it, eventually succumbing to the bigger monster that it islost an important tool in fighting the dementors, bonded to the ground, unable to escape, haiz, yep, no climbing till after the exams =( its getting worseaccording to my fren, maths is a cmc subject, hahahaha. can means can, cannot means cannot, i fit into the latter catagory now. there's a certain paradox to maths, if you don't understand, you can't practice, no practice means don't understand, so ultimately my maths suffers. more and more people working into the wee hours of the morning, yawnz, we've literally changed our sleeping habits. maybe we should follow what the artists do. they get 4 hours of sleep, but they vhoose the timeframe of 12 to 2 to sleep. why? because that's the time in which your battered body repairs itself. so yea, we should all follow them. hmm odac ot has been opened to the school. was against the idea, but i guess that now that its ben decided, might as well drag more people into the depths of hell with us, muhahahahaha (hope they dun read this) nah, doubt that it would be as shit as the stuff that we faced on korbu, so no matter what, 23rd will still and just be 23rd even if there are outsiders with us this coming trip, because we are bonded together in our fight against leeches, rain blah blah blah hahaha, now let's just see how the veterans of korbu will fare on fazipan =)god there's bio spa tomorrow, may i be blessed Let us look down on all who come before us.
Brothers all, one heart of justice.
Every last traitorous soul shall kneel
Thursday, August 24, 2006 at 12:38 AM
found a superb quote from Jeremy Collins in rock and ice : "We're always asking, why? Why art? Why climbing? For the same reason that i married my high school sweetheart and choose to paint with ochre today instead of phthalo: intuition. Something they can't teach in school. I've learnt not to fight it"can't help but agree with him, when all goes to nuts, trust your intuition, maybe its to let go of a certain hold or thing, my dynos always fail because i dare not let go, because i did not trust my intuition. well, its screaming out at me now, i just have to let go and trust that i catch the next hold in life =)
at 12:11 AM
yay, blogging using my LAPTOP!!! woohoots, i'm happy now=)fwah, realised that i have been totally angry and upset these couple of days, mostly at myself, for being useless and ignorant. Been a bit harsh to people these few days cuz of my mood, sorry people, special mention goes to liwen, well, i shouldn't have blown up and acted without restraint, i'm really sorrydunno what else to say, had a conversation with zara today, hey, she also wanted to become a vet when she was young! so that means that i am young! haha, incorrect inference, mann, can't imagine that i wanted to become a librarian when i was young. hahahahz, imagine a monster behind the library counter, hurling out noisy people. just imagine. quoting from the director of Habitat for Humanity, "if you're around 18 and don't feel like you can change the world, you're weird, but if you're 40 and still think that way, you must be mad", in some ways, that is true afterall, one of my aims is to serve in the UN!! wonder how do you join them?feeling the heat of the promos, its coming and its big, bad and ugly, hopefully i'll survive it and live to tell about it. afterall, i still want to climb the school wall for one more year, and only for one more year! hahahahaha
Monday, August 21, 2006 at 10:46 PM
today had all the signs of a crappified day. first up, chem lecture *rolls over dead*. next up, chem mock SPA *able to sit up partially*, blahz blahz, haiz, wad a sad existence we have.couldn't take it anymore and got my very own GP break! for those who have not tried evading the KAN, you all should, why waste 3 periods listening to his monotonous tone when you could be playing outside, frolicking in the sunlight! startling contrast, i wonder why the choice is so obvious hmmdidn't know why. just felt angry today. hungry, tired and angry. not a good combination. luckily climbing and running helped let off some steam, otherwise i'd have blown up! finally got the motivation to follow the daily bread! HOW I HATE MR TEO!! he is such an asshole, which is dammning smile of his, i'd like to wipe that off someday, stomp on his face and trample it into oblivion. why must he teach only a select few, and why not the rest, that's so unfair, trying to make everyone try to outdo one another, for just a few marks?! honestly, that's so like hitler, forcing his subordinates to turn on one another, which is totally effed up! just because he is HOD does not give him the right to do as he pleases! ABUSE OF POWER! retribution will descend upon him, mark my words
Sunday, August 20, 2006 at 11:35 AM
found this on someone's blog: "in a bid to prevent onself from getting hurt, defences are often, actually always, put up. but sometimes, it's the defences that are making cicumstances hurtful. defences are the things that cause great divides, that bring about gross misconceptions and ridiculous misunderstandings. sometimes, they're even the ones killing relationships."too bad its true.
at 12:05 AM
darn, so tired today cuz we had LAND EX!!! woophee!! finding all the metal plates ain't as easy as i thought, hahaha, luckily i never ended up in a 1 man/monster team otherwise i'd still be stuck in ubin nowa new invention came from us today, see i am so smart =) its called the 3-man groundsheet! it keeps 3 people dry when its raining! cool rite! and its perfectly mobile with an top speed of as fast as you can walk, not restrictive like a poncho and allows for talking under the sheet, what more can you want? hahahahahahahahaugghhhm i feel so fat. everyone's catching up, but i wanna remain 1 step ahead!hence i swear to do the daily bread, together with added stuff to it! i must really really promise myself to do it this time, well it starts tomorrow! no matter rain or shine! must meet my targets, will not slack anymore! why do i discriminate so easily? can't help but mentally label people, yeuck, i know its wrong but i still subconsciously do it, must not must not do it! yeuck, my bro forgot to lie again, wtf
Thursday, August 17, 2006 at 12:51 AM
blahz, suddenly feel like mugging these few days, maybe its due to positive peer pressure!! lotsa people mugging around you, hmm, guess its like what weeass seniors used to say "go VJ can't play one, you wanna play also cannot, cuz when you want to play with people, they all mugging so you also mug lor", well, some part is true, what a sad life we havedarn those mosquitoes, keep biting me, no one in the house gets bitten except me. maybe i have sweet blood =) wonder will the mosquitos mutate into monsters? hahahaha, that's a nice thought. cher li today explained mosquito fluid dynamics to me, hahaha, GEP jiu shi GEP, dunno what he toking aniwae, just say that since arterial blood flow is perpendicular to the mosquito's proboscius, hence the mozzie wun burst! common sense would tell you that mozzies are stupid and exhibit suck-till-they-burst behaviour like korbu leeches, hahahahaoh mann, my grip sucks, can't even do a simple sit start, haiz, what to do, TRAIN HARDER!!!PS: chocolate chip cookies are not chocolates!!!
Monday, August 14, 2006 at 12:48 AM
haha, just found this pic, brinjal, you keep watching him hokay! hahahaanother late night blogging post, mann, i hate PW, but what the heck, let's just get it over and done with =)
wow, another slack day today, wonder how many of such slack days do i still have, afterall, my days are numbered, everyone's days are numbered, so let's make full use of the time that we have to do something useful!!! mann, somehow that seems easier said than done, hokay, shalt make a list of the things that i wanna do before i die, hahahaha *touch wood*
hmm...just realised today that having 2 trips at the end of the year may not be possible, ARRGHZ, time to choose again. maybe i should just let the coin decide, heads for OT2 and tails for thailand, mann, i really want to go for both, haha, audrey's getting a job at minitoons, maybe i should really go get a job moving stuff around!! anyone know of any, tell me!!
Saturday, August 12, 2006 at 10:27 AM
this is going to be the most random post that i have ever blogged, so whoever's reading this, please bear with it =)only found out yesterday that chicken and biscuits is only half edible. only the chicken in fact, hahahaha, the biscuits taste like crap. imagine 100% flour mixed with water and eating the mixture of soggy flour, ummm, hahahaa, thats what we had for farewell, hahahaha, just that no one ate the pile of biscuits in the middle, little wonder why.'s something that i shall suggest to people who have totally nothing to do. thesis: people in the transit lounge of the airport NEVER LOOKUPexperimental procedures: 1)find a viewing gallery with an excellent view of the lounge below.2)stick your body as close to the glass as possible 3)try to lie spreadeagled on the glass, mind you don't break it4)stay there for either 2 mins or till someone looks up, which ever comes firstprecautions: 1)don't let the janitor catch you (TAKE NOTE!)2)DON'T LET THE POLICE CATCH YOU3)no offensive gestures pleaseconclusion: you will find out that practically no one looks up, if you do, lucky you, nyeh =pokay, just found out that samsung support website sucks, cuz when you want to find drivers for any stuff, eg my fone, you have to label the main type, sub type blah blah blah, in simple terms, wtf and it hangs, so double wtfvs seems so totally alien now, hahaahah. weird to see people wearing bleached white uniforms that i myself worn for like 4 years. omg, land sucks now, hahaha, don't even know how to greet seniors properly, uggghhh, someone should drill that into them! met mr hazarin, hahaha, he asked if land could come vj and climb, OF COURSE!!!! hahahaha, we need climbers!!!arrrgh, i want to speeed up time, i want my laptop to faster come, come come come come!!! hahahaha, can't wait!!!but then again, that means that promos will come faster, yucks yuck!!!!
Thursday, August 10, 2006 at 8:43 AM
somehow i just woke up deciding to do a post on pirates of the caribbean and walt disney. sounds weird? same sentiments too, but what the heckthe compass in pirates was quite cool, pointing to whatever you wanted the most. the ugly side of men would be reared for such a thing, wonder what would happen if the thing you really wanted the most was the compass when you had the compass, hahaaha, maybe it would implode or something. now on walt disney, quoting from disney, "try to imagine a world without walt disney", no pirates, no disneyland, no mickey mouse, goofy, betcha some part of your life would just disappear. can't imagine not seeing those classics, goofy and all, haizBOLD THE THINGS THAT YOU ARE!!!!I miss somebody right now.I dont watch TV these days.I wear glasses or contact lenses.I love to play video games.I've tried marijuana.I have been in a threesome.I have been the psycho-ex in a past relationship.I believe honesty is usually the best policy.I curse sometimes/all the time (:I have changed a lot mentally over the last year.I carry my knife/razor everywhere with me.I'm TOTALLY smart.I've broken someone's bones.I'm paranoid sometimes.I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, n scar-free.I need money right now.I love sushi.I talk really,really fast if i want to, i wont bite my tongue :DI have long hair. and it is not a wigI have lost money in Las Vegas.I have at least one sibling.I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past.I couldn't survive without Caller I.D.I LOVE the way i look.I am usually pessimistic.I have a lot of mood swings.I have a hidden talent. alot actuallyI'm always hyper no matter how much sugar i have.I have a lot of friends.I am currently single.I have pecked someone of the same sex.I enjoy talking on the phone.I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.I love to shop.I enjoy window shopping.I would rather shop than eat.I don't hate anyone.I'm a BETTER dancer.I'm completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.I have a cell phone.I believe in God.I watch MTV on a daily basis.I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.I've rejected someone before.I have no idea what i want to do for the rest of my life.I want to have children in the future.I have changed a diaper before.I've called the cops on a friend before.I'm not allergic to anything.I have a lot to learn.I have been with someone at least 10 years older or younger. but i study with people 7 years older?I am shy around the opposite sex.I have tried alcohol before.I have made a move on a friend's significant other or crush in the past.I own the "South Park" movie.I would die for my best friends.I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.I have used my sexuality to advance my career.I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.I think Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.I watch Spongebob Squarepants and i LOVE it.I am happy at this moment!I'm obsessed with guys.I study for tests most of the time.I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.I am comfortable with who I am right now.I have more than just my ears pierced.I walk barefoot wherever i can.I have jumped off a bridge.I love sea turtles.I spend ridiculous money on makeup.I plan on achieving a major goal/dream.I'm proficient in a musical instrument.I worked at McDonald's restaurant.I hate office jobs.I love sci-fi movies.I think water rules.I went college out of state.I like sausages.I love getting hugs. absolutely. especially from fat peopleI've fallen for the worst people.I adore bright colours.I can't live without black eyeliner.I don't know why the hell i just did this stupid thing.I usually like covers better than originals.I can pick up things with my toes.I can't whistle.I love kisses. (hersheys)I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither. sorry i suck at kissingI have ridden/owned a horse. (does i-gallop count?)I still have every journal I've ever written in.I can't stick to a diet.I talk in my sleep.I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions. I ALREADY HAVE SHIT MEMORYI think climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.I have jazz in my blood.I wear a toe ring.I have a tattoo.I can't stand at LEAST one person that i work with.I am a caffeine junkie.I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.I have been to over 15 conventions.I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better. the more the merrier tooI'm an artist.I only clean my room when necessary.I like a person of the same sex.I love being happy.I am an adrenaline junkie.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006 at 12:57 AM
hopefully i wun fall asleep while writing this post like right infront of the keyboard otherwise i'll have weird marks on my faceyay, today's another good day! hopefully this keeps up! national day celeb was not bad, it was pretty bad in fact. the only classmate i saw was sze han during the "parade", mann, we suck at doing drills, KC opposite was drowning us out, funny, they're supposed to be girls, right?some singing session followed, gosh, we had the enthusiasm of a barbarian reading literature. yep, super nitrogen. fell asleep during most of it, hahaha, can't help it, that's why its a good day!superb turnout for class outing, almost a 300% increase in turnout rate (from 2 to 8), wooo, not bad at all, hahahaha, found out that having two ordering 2 mchickens and 1 reg coke is only 5.70 while a mchicken meal is lik 5.60? Do the maths urself and thank me for enlightening you =) had some fun building an 06s34 fort, which withstood tidal waves, erm...godzillas and the like, cuz we had 4 superb engineers =)fireworks display rocked, oh mann, the world is such a freaking small place in case you haven't noticed. met tj frenz, seniors and OMG, LAW at the display!!! wuz just smsing him for his student verification card la, hehehe, i'm getting a new laptop =) woohoo, today's a wonderful day!!!doesn't it feel good to just plop your busy butt down on the beach and just relax, watch the waves and feel the sand flowing through your feet? i'm gonna do it more often, so envy me, hahahahaha, nightez!
Saturday, August 05, 2006 at 3:30 PM
slept like 10 hrs the past night and i'm still gonna sleep again like now. super duper tired. is this what working life holds in store for us? if it is, i'm not looking forward to it. god, time flies, 8 months already, like in close to 15 months more we guys will be in NS already, getting our butts chewed out and spit out again, ready to be rechewed, hey, maybe it ain't so bad, but then again, that may be just me. self tekan camp's coming after the promos, wonder what it would be like? maybe the promos are the self tekaning. sorry if this post kinda depressed some people, hahahahwonder what i would do if i had some time on my hands. time's a weird thing, its both a great healer of wounds, as well as robber of vitality, i just want to know, pleasetomorrow's the world cup Singapore leg finals, wonder what those people will be like, if you call them people at all, considering that they dyno onto slopers for one, traverse the walls of climbasia like you getting a glass of water...and the list of sick sick stuff goes on and on...will we ever be like them? i hope so =)smoking does bad things to your health, we all know that, but somehow some good climbers jepordise their health by smoking, yucks, totally yucks, destroys their image. talking about sports, winning by cheating sucks. take the recent tour de france champion for example, winning by injecting hormones? yuck, we're all meant to have somethings in life, if you can't have them, snatching them won't help.its a wonder how sometimes you can talk to people you scarcely know about your deepest darkest stuff, just because they are not involved. its the same with pets i guess, whom offer a great listening ear, and a better guardian of your secret.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006 at 11:46 PM
finally realised how close i came to dying today, hahaha, remind me never to ever try to let other people fly into the rock wall just because they never tried it before. even if that were to happen, just dun place myself up on the wall, woah, randell went to SAFRA to train with the nationals, hey, sounds cool, haha repeat after me, THE NATIONALS. you just can't speed in their presence, its like a sparrow racing a falcon. no competition at all, hahahaha, maybe randell's terminal velocity will increase with the added training!!! unimaginablecareer fair today, hahaha, skipped practically all, well, all of the speeches that i signed for, missed the MINDEF talk, but its most probably like the one i heard in TJ, so no guilt at all. there were a load of monsters today. yep, monsters, the freebie monster varient, this only goes to show how kiasu Singaporeans are, hahahahaha uggghhhhhhhh, failed to do 100 pullups today, simply disgusted
Tuesday, August 01, 2006 at 9:50 PM
1) you get to miss lessons the morning
2)the lessons concerned are chem lect and maths tuitorial (woah)
3)you get paid $2 to miss lessons!!! (nice rite, don't drool yet)
4)you get paid to rock climb, missing lessons in the meanwhile (start drooling now)
5)odac pt, ran 8km, did 20+15+11+6 pullups
preety sums up my day, whatmore can you want? i'm contented =)
watching some documentry about poor kids in rural china, whom have to trek up mountains to go to sch everyday, bet they can climb korbu without sweat. god, they're just so eager to learn, despite having their school destroyed, gotta admire them. their teacher too, gave up a relatively high paying job to go and teach, doubt that we will ever see such things in singapore, we're just too lucky, maybe for OT we can go somewhere like that, to endure what they endure, albeit only for a little while, but it would one heck of an eye opener