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Saturday, September 30, 2006 at 3:00 PM

any fever is bad. especially a south park one. DO NOT WATCH SOUTH PARK. ESPECIALLY THE MOVIE.

rain rocked today.
what's wrong with the world?

there is always the grey area. you just have to look for it.

Thursday, September 28, 2006 at 8:47 PM

October 6th!!! the day when all ends!! ahhh, so close yet so far, hahaha, well, confucious said: "a thousand mile journey begins with 1 step", i'd pretty much say GP was quite a tumble, but hey, at least we're going somewhere towards the end =)

mental drift is hard to control. especially when it gravitates to post exam stuff. how much you're gonna play, play or have a family feast. ahhhhhhhhh and i want it now. NOW. haha

yes yes yes, there're plans for an RCC trip!!! to malaysia =) wah, so happy. sorta jumping up and down when i heard it, hahaha, nice nice nice

okay, i'm getting too distracted, back to Reh Felp

Monday, September 25, 2006 at 2:23 PM

i suspect that people from Life are reading my blog. hahaha, they quoted from me! or at least seems like it, today's horoscopes for Virgo read: "It takes less energy to tackle the task you have been dreading than it takes to bob and weave to avoid it. In fact, once you walk right up to this FEARSOME MONSTER, you will see tha it is not so bad after all." HAHAHAHAHA

there's an ant in my cup of water. not amazing? its crawling along the side. underwater. seems like ants scuba dive too, hahaha, in a magnolia cup.

its a nice day today, little cloud cover, perfect for climbing. then there's the promos. so here i am, stuck behind the window grills, staring out at the open skies which are beckoning me. darn. can't wait for it to be over.

spa tomorrow. wonder what will happen, will i get to crack another tile? hope not. well, better recommence studying, you'd better start go back to studying. shoo

at 2:19 PM

half expected this, hahaha, weejay people are mad mann, koped this from the 06a14 blog after some blog hopping

A Math (-'Inspired') Poem
Permute the senses
Sketch the soul
Equate all truthsto be realities untold
Graph the mood that swings from glum to glee
Combine all glories into one heavenly dream
Integrate the mind
Sum up all thoughts
Differentiate what's right, what's not
Transform the memories
functioned with double-angle shots
Induct them into one electronic log
Expo-se all progression
Cover-up the inverse
think Nike, Adidas, Reebok and Converse
Delete past sin
cos time can mend...
Now all i want is a healthy tan :)
totally nutsified

Sunday, September 24, 2006 at 1:59 AM

been watching lotsa inspirational movies lately, dunno why too, maybe its the promos. which is coming. a huge monster of its own right, to swallow lesser monsters and mortals alike. lesser mortals do not include people who have 2 As and above, they're not human.

Saving Isaiah is a nice show, that means that you should watch it. maybe we should all be born colourblind. that a way, there wun be discrimination of skin colour, now wouldn't that be nice.

mixed feelings now. mostly a sense of bliss, a bit of i dunno how to describe, well, enthophy's calling

at 1:58 AM


Thursday, September 21, 2006 at 6:18 PM


well, i dunno what else to say, thanks everyone for the greetings, presents, chocolate cake, dunking blah blah, you all make me feel so blessed to have you all as frens and bestie too =D

friends will always be friends, no matter what, i promise

Wednesday, September 20, 2006 at 1:01 AM

"Nothing has to be true enough forever. Just long enough to tell you the truth." Neat stuff huh, there's another one, the rule of the universe dictates that for something to exist, it must be observed at least once, makes a whole lot of sense, well, to me at least hahaha

You know what you're too stressed when:
1) You say the same sentance over and over again, not realizing that you have said it before.
2) You believe that if you think hard enough, you can fly.
3) You and Reality file for Divorce.
4) You say the same sentance over and over again, not realizing that you have said it before.
5) You start making friends with voices in your head.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006 at 1:27 AM

sad. exhausted. what more can i say.

Sunday, September 17, 2006 at 11:38 PM

oh mann, i must be going nuts.

can't help thinking about what i'm gonna do after the promos, hahaha, even though it ain't started yet, last day on 5th Oct, hmm..well, for starters, i'm gonna get like 9 solid hours of undisturbed sleep!!! maybe a few dreams too, you can never tell, it would be a good change from nightmares

climbing would also be a must, i'm gonna climb from morning to afternoon, ahhhhhhhhhhh =), hmm, oh yessss, the chocolates too! cadbury fest! 15 more days to go! ahhhhhhh

for people who don't watch discovery channel or NG, you all better go turn on ur tvee now and plaster your eyeballs to it. its superinformative la, hahaha, there was this amazing show called "Animal Rescues" and it showed a killer whale pushing a baby seal back to shore. whats weird? seals usually end up on the inside of orcas. yep. amazing ain't it.

another video showed a hippo rescuing an antelope from a croc, and trying to revive it. its simply amazing, and people said "humans can be animals at times, but animals can never be human", so there, boohoo to you guys out there, animals can be human too

Act naturally
Military Intelligence
Holy War
Microsoft Works
Never Generalize
Living Dead
Pretty Ugly
Diet Coke
Head Butt
Virtual Reality

at 11:28 PM

i feel so blessed =D

Saturday, September 16, 2006 at 3:34 PM

yes, everything's taken on a shade of grey with the coming promos and all, just hope that i don't get grey hair like some people =) hahaha

can believe that i'm actually typing this, but hey, PW actually has its benefits. in spite of all the wadevr it has brought us notably the lack of sleep, ease if irritatibility, scathing looks and comments from our teachers, it actually helps you to learn new things! hey hey "Candy and sweets are often put on stands in shops at the eye level of children", betcha didn't realise that! hahaha.

i'm actually getting influenced by my project and all the research that i'd done, being vegetarian does not seem so bad after all, other than forsaking KFC. oh yea, to those people crunching down on meat to build protein, Brendan Brazier, a 6 time Ironman triathlete, is a vegetarian, Carl Lewis, an olympic 100m sprinter who won the gold medal, is a vegetarian too! well, guess that there are vegetarian monsters too

hmm, i'm gonna put up some jokes with every post now! and they're gonna be in orange because they bring joy, well at least to me they do =)

How to maintain a healthy level of Insanity
1) every time someone calls you to do something, ask them if they want fries with that
2) take your garbage can and label in "IN"
3) dont use any punctuation
4) ask people what sex they are. then laugh hysterically
5) sing along at an opera
6) call the psychic hotline and don't say anything

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 at 12:52 AM

the com god has helped me once again! i'm talking about the one, the only, TERENCE LIM! any com problems, ask him. and i mean ANY. he rocks.

hmm, found out that all my previous blogs seemed to die out within a week in particular, this week in fact. must be some kinda biological timeclock but i won't let this blog die out so soon! there's still a long long way to go! gonna abandon the com for a while, promos coming, like fred said, 16 days, @#%*&*@

haiz, like fred said, it seems childish to just simply dao the person away, but uggh, what exactly do you do when the other person is daoing you? on the other hand, if the other party does not value the friendship, why bother keeping it? it takes two hands to clap, but one hand cannot keep waving about forever, it gets tired and eventually breaks. a fresh new start requires both parties too, there's only so much that one can do, before one grows tired too.

what's a scratch on the head compared a gaping hole in the heart?

Sunday, September 10, 2006 at 3:21 PM

wow, i'm blogging again, raining outside now, nasty weather, dark clouds and all and you feel down and sad too. but somehow there's always this small little patch of sky, that has sunlight filtering through it. in this dark sea of life, let us be the one who brings sunlight to others, despite how insignificant it may seem.

There was once this little girl who remarked to her dad who was a cook: "Dad, life is so difficult, i don't want to carry on with life anymore." Her dad simply asked her to pass him three things, an egg, a carrot and a piece of chocolate. Taking a pot, he boiled water and added the three items in. He took out the boiled egg which had become hard boiled and said: "some people are like this egg, when confronted with the heat of life, they become hard and toughen up", next he took out the carrot: "some other people are like this carrot, when confronted with the heat of life, they become soft and give up easily", finally he took the pot and showed it to the girl. Inside was a pot of hot chocolate, he said : "you should be like this piece of chocolate. instead of trying to change the circumstances in life or yourself, you should try to blend in with life and spread your sweetness around." and so the little girl did.

at 12:42 PM

i guess here's a post of thanks. thank you sze han for maintaining his calm and bandaging my head =) and to the rest too, who called the ambulance =). not forgetting the doc, paramedics and nurses, thanks y'all!

sometimes its quite amazing how inaccurate transmission of a single message by mouth can be. apparently my auntie thought that a tree branch dropped onto my head! hahaha, that's a long way from what happened alright.

well, here's a special tribute too! and its to my ah mah and nai nai! they totally rock. haha, they take wonderful care of me, and for that, i'm super grateful. my ah mah used some holy medicinal oil on me, which she said took a lot a lot of time to get and that rocks. totally. my dad told me grandad last night and my ah mah rushed over this morning and just like sat at my bedside till i woke. now that's care. what would i do without her. haha, i love her to bits.

now for nai nai, she's not feeling too well herself, having stomach pains and all, but she has been calling like a gazillion times to ask whether i'm fine or not, and that rocks too. omg, i feel so spoilt =p

yeuck, temporary ban on cycling, nononononono

oh no, maybe i can't go thailand at the end of the year, apparently an uncle of mine is getting married in hong kong, boo hoo, maybe i'l go buildering there!

Saturday, September 09, 2006 at 11:14 AM

ouch. so much for climbing.

Thursday, September 07, 2006 at 10:42 PM

been itching to climb since mon, grrr, i need to climb. but great, the key has been taken by seet, absolutely great.

yessss, going to get my moabs soon =) so happy, plus they're in orange too!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006 at 11:42 AM

congrats to willy and liwen for scaling the left wall, yay!! now aim for the right wall!!! how about by the end of this year? hahaa

well, some of us are going through tough times now, yea, i experienced it before. just like the crocodile. its amazing how something insignificant to one can mean the world to another. and you completely break down, not feeling like doing anything else, even death does not scare you anymore. that's how much it hurts, that it numbs you to all pain, to everything in life.

but hey, we just have to try and forget all this, no matter how hard it seems, do something that you enjoy, be it playing, running, oh yea, and eating chocolates help =) just not in excess

smile and the whole world smiles with you, cry and you cry alone

Tuesday, September 05, 2006 at 12:56 AM

can't stop coughing, must be all those tortilla chips. told myself not to finish half the packet, so much for self discipline.

oh yea and dad, if you're reading this, stop reading, i'm just saying

hmm...so yea, dunno how come people are so obsessed with political blogs. are people that deprived of humour and political discussions in Singapore that they turn to bloody stupid songs, crudely photoshoped images and other whatnot? gosh, we are a weird lot of people. not to forget, the songs are uber irritating, well, sorry, just felt like speaking out against those who idolize those blogs. you all make me sick.

okay, this seems more like me ranting away, well, i ought to, been a long time since i last ranted. though i ain't got much to rant about, but then again, i'll squeeze any last bit of discontent out. was kinda pissed off with climbing today, didn't really climb much, arrghz, and it was my last time climbing. wonder what will happen after the exams, maybe i can't even scale 4 panels. how to climb fazipan liddat, daniel's not going, sucks

how do you tell a catholic and a protestant apart from just physical looks, is there like a distinct look or something? otherwise how can there be like communal conflict, maybe we are too protected against all this, we've never been to ireland, sri lanka, even iraq where communities loathe each others' guts, that's a scary thought.

i have never felt so free in a long time =)

Sunday, September 03, 2006 at 11:14 PM

wow, i miss vs. yup, sounds kinda weird but i actually do. didn't think much of it but it kinda makes a difference when you're back there. walking through the places where you did stupid things, throwing stones into the ecopond (oops), taking unauthorized lift rides, blah blah haiz, and it all seems like so long ago.

guess that we paid 25 bucks not for the food, but for the 3 to 4 hours that we got together and it was dammn worth it. for 3 to 4 hours, you get to talk vs language, no restrictions, 100% crap. got to do cheers, uniquely vs. where you shout like mad, shove and push and end up high after that.

somethings never change, some people never do too, handsome never changed, still as spastic as ever, he actually drank the pepper drink, hahaha, haiz, we all miss being evil =( well, lyana's treating swensen's on tues!!! yay!!!




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