Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at 9:55 PM
happy birthday lamly, you've become more matured and sophisticated, i think, hahaha and oh have fun with your ministry of lam. try to develop more on the ministry of entertainment, transit from boon to non-boon =) oh random, the sky was chock full of stars, haha.har, here's an amazingly wonderful paragraph from my maths worksheet to all of us poor souls doing calculus: "In the summer of 1665, Isaac Newton first came up with the idea of calculus, after being hit over the head with a soft, blunt object. If it had been a hard, blunt object, he may have forgotten the whole idea, and thus would have saved millions of college students from much excruciating pain and suffering. Unfortunately he didn't, and after publishing most of his findings, suffered a nervous breakdown in 1693."moral of the story? maths is damaging to health. and that there is a serious shortage of hard, blunt objects in the world dropping on heads.
Sunday, January 28, 2007 at 9:52 PM
oh mann, i'm missing you brinjal
at 6:13 PM
boy, today's such a windy day, its strong enough to make my window close by itself. don't sound so bad? wait till you consider the aluminium slider holding it in place. heck, trees look as if they're doing mass dances. the weather's gone crazy, seems like odac will have to seriously consider taking advanced swimming lessons for all instructors. and so ronghui's training begins in earnest, with the description being wicked sick. plus NUS has one heck of a boulder gym, half the size of climbasia with half the number of jugs. and omg they have the flush! haha, one of the best holds i have seen. warming up in there is enough to make you pumped, tonnes of crimps, slopers and pockets. no wonder the climbers there are god-like.can't believe i forgot that french school and punggol picnic are on the same day, which is totally @$$^*&%*$%^. talk about a dilema, if i don't go for punggol picnic, miss ng is gonna kill me, then again, it would be the first and last time i take part in french school. decisions, decisions, darn it. haha, chocolate ban was lifted for a few minutes yesterday due to royce chocolates! how can people say that its bitter please, its so sweet, hahaha, you'd have to be outta your mind to not love it. anywayz, chocolate ban is in place again =(been a long time since i had a dream, one that felt so real at that. if its true, then its really weird.
Friday, January 26, 2007 at 11:20 PM
i'm so tired i can't think straight. i hate that sensation.
at 2:08 AM
sianz, lost my last post somehow, things like that happen, its usually called lost in translation. BRINJAL!!! where are yyyeeewwww, haha, i need to crap to you!!! and you moved your blog somemore, please be online, please please please , hahaharonghui's training seems quite fun. hopefully on sat's session it will be more fun. need to train finger power and mantles, until there's enough finger power to crush a can from top down. hahahaa, just joking. climbing is also good for relieving stress, hahha, not advertising here, you can jump and scream inside and out, relentlessly pummel your way up, kick with all your might and the wall still stands immobile. its like a versatile punching bag. rahh. my com is screwed. there's no darn sound, which is like uber %^*%%#$%^.
Sunday, January 21, 2007 at 1:07 AM
Friday, January 19, 2007 at 12:05 AM
haha, someone sent these to me, quite meaningful: 其實,幸褔早就放就在你的面前. 肚子餓壞的時候,有一碗熱騰騰的拉麵放在你眼前,幸福。 累得半死的時候,撲上軟軟的床,也是幸福。 哭得要命的時候,旁邊溫柔的遞來一張紙巾,更是幸福。
Thursday, January 18, 2007 at 9:14 PM
its been an awfully long time since i last blogged and so many things have since happened. yess, sandfly bites are gonna subside soon! can't wait for smooth skin again! =)so far, jc life has hit me like a railway train, so many things to do and so little time to do it. tests, revision exercises, blah. and let's not forget the all emcompassing A levels which are coming soon, a little too soon. plus i get home so late, which is mainly my choice, that i just plop down on the bed and even end up on the floor, which is just wicked sick. got a motivational talk by monica today, well, she's quite a good teacher, if you can say that, its just that she does not deal well with large groups of people, so she ain't so bad as we all put her out to be. have to make the grade by CT 1 or else i'll say bye to my 4 H2s, yucks. cannot let that happen, hence from now on, wed, fri and sundays shall be my dedicated study days!!! i shudder to find out the consequences if i don't work hard. oh mann, MOE is like gathering all the good teachers/principals back at HQ which is so darn sad, first went mrs chan, then now it daniel ang who is gonna be taken away, haha, life's just so sad. climbing today was well, superb. its been a long time since i felt uber excited about being to climbasia! its like being there for the first time again and you just want to climb and climb, jumping from wall to wall, doing stupid stuff, just like a kid. its also been a long time since i climbed till i forgot everything that had been plaguing me for ages, clear of all worries. when its just you and the tile, and the next, nothing else matters anymore. finally there's a concrete training plan for rockclimbing, the hard part is just getting people to come for them. ronghui's not bad for a coach, we all heard that he's gonna really whack us. in other words, i'm gonna get my monster upgrade card!!! behold monster version 2! oh mann, kinda disappointed with my assessment today, deproved from max no. of pullups and other stuff and my finger strength totally sucks. this must be corrected. immediately. oh and plus, i really use too much strength locking and all, apparently, chalking up in a locking position is a cardinal sin. oh well, that's what training is for =) why do you hang that sad look on your face? or are you just perpetually sad? let me amuse you the best i can
Sunday, January 14, 2007 at 11:07 PM
sooo tired after B2B, yawnz, sleeppppppppp..zzz.....zzzzzzzzzz=)
Wednesday, January 10, 2007 at 11:29 PM
okay, real lessons have started and life's starting to turn boring again, haha, luckily there's odac and rock climbing. =)oh mann, quite suprised how little time we have this year to cover like everything, pfffttt, tests coming up and all, totally stressful. no wonder our seniors are so carefree now. got integrated into Cougar today, which on first hand seemed quite quiet, but livened up eventually. saw a couple of potential ODACers of the 24th batch, quite zai people, that's good, we need people like that. quite a few people are fighting hard to resist the itch to scold and tekan them just like OLC. hold on people, the time will come, hahahafitness level totally sucks, boohoo =(
Sunday, January 07, 2007 at 11:19 PM

people, say hi to CHIP and DALE!!!! they are such wonderfully cute and adorable things, i have big plans for them, they will be the 2 proud founders of a hamster farm that i have in mind. someday there will be statues of them of which all their descendants will look up to, okay, trash talk.
and so orientation ends with Sea Regetta and mass dance around Suntec tomorrow, hmm, so this is what O1 looks like, haha, afterall, i am a second intaker. and all thanks to seet, we are not staying over in school tonight, wonder how the other half of the school are doing, haha.
then comes the sad realisation that there's still something called mugging which comes after all of this, interdispersed with things like B2B, OLC and other enjoyable stuff. afterall, this year is the mugging year, either make it or break it. that's how it is.
mann its amazing how tired you can get when caught up in things, when time collects its debts much later. i just want to sleep.
Thursday, January 04, 2007 at 11:09 PM
didn't know that CCA open house could be so tiring. so many people signed up!!! so many new juniors!!! guess it can be kinda fun. quite a lot of people joined climbing too, wonder how come the J1s are so afraid of the wall, its not as if the wall would eat you upppppppp, so JUST COME AND CLIMB, but then again, among tose who climbed, there were a few potentials!!! woohoo, wonder if they have further reinforces my opinion that our new principal is quite screwed. rahh, feeling tired, night.
at 12:21 AM
so much to the maths R paper that hath been plaguing me for the past 1312423524 days and over 6400+ km. let the games begin, today's the first day of school. quite exciting. we got to meet MR CHAN. this is what i heard from sources about him before i saw him:1) He is short.2) He is fat.Conclusion: He is short and fat. Oh, i have to add that in my opinion, he is quite long winded and lacks in assertiveness. At this current moment, i'll just have to give him an E for effort, afterall, he had enormous shoes to fill. jc life is so screwed, especially j2 life, who in the right mind would scheldule lessons on the first day of school?! FIRST DAY!!! when our tender minds are not yet used to the rigour of academics and just changed from holiday mode. okay, i'm talking shit here. so just go on and have lessons and tuitorials. odac room was like almost totally deserted, everyone left for ogl, arrrgh, maybe i should have signed up. but then again, there's nothing much to regret about. hoarse voices, late afternoons and whatnot, haha. ended up crashing mass dance, me and liwen stood out like 2 idiots, but nobody cared, in the right mind can there be an intake of 70% girls. anyone who has an explaination tell me. some OGs were having one or 2 boys trailing behind one long train of girls. oh, this is bad. okay, i trust the wall less and less. so much for the "renovation" work, honestly, i'm scared, haha. it kinda weighs down on your mind as you're climbing. to hope and pray that its not your last climb, haha, i'm being paranoid here, you people out there dun take note of this. especially the J1s who have CCA walkabout tomorrow. now for talking more crap time, in climbing (generally) there's only one way out and that's up. never ever look back or down, just like life. haha, i dunno where this came up from. am i supposed to see something? please tell me.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 at 3:53 PM
since there are a lot of emo boys and girls out there, i might as well join their ranks in reflecting. so i'm gonna start with odac life. CCA walkabout which was super random. first OLC briefing in which i only knew addison. whirlwind, whom i dun know anyone at all. waa tar!!! cheer. found out that 2 whirlwinders were in my class. all those darn pegs. tinking of NR. collecting leaves. stupid boxes. fierce randall and the rest of the instructors.missing tent pegs. walking round ubin. wild boars. totally weird sea ex, changed 3 partners. elephant walk.kota and the mother of all aloe veras.looking at the stars for the first time on a groundsheet. release of results, tears and joy for the other groups. nervousness during JTS AT CAFE CARTEL. got into ODAC!!!initiation to become provisional instructors. potato group. passed milo by mouth. stupid grapes and cockroach.departure of yixiong and huayshan.remnant meetings. a lot of dinners and lunches. lots of parkway. angel and mortal in which all i did was give chocolates.farewell. KORBU. leeches, mud, tears, joy, odac. tent pitching in the !#$% rain. 珊瑚海11, robin hotel, lotsa food, 10 dishes. RAMLEE BURGER.seet and his more remnants.first night cycling. somemore night cycling, watching germany vs argentina. getting our golden badges and whistles. chasing down and dunking so many people. ubin again * unknown timesproject x which was totally !#$@project L. enough said, hahaclimbing so many darn stairs for fanisipan. FANSIPAN. overkilled training, lotsa good food, thousand star accomadationhaoolong bay, night kayaking. MOOT HAI BATT YO!!ITC, 40 mins, crazy urban ex. and many much for 2006, what's 07 gonna bring? haha
at 12:44 PM
yay, its another new year again!!! and hence the new blogskin, hahaha, okay, i'm talking trash here. somehow this orange doesn't go with the skin, but what the heck, orange still supersedes everything. hmm, sometimes we lie so much, until it becomes easy to lie to yourself, it becomes all too natural. just read the odac blog. seems like some people went overboard. well, in some sense, i agree with saw. there are some people in odac who can be quite insensitive at times and go overboard with the notion that its all fun and games. being at the receiving end of such things are not fun and just like what saw said, there's a limit to everybody. you never know when you might push someone over the edge of no return. so practise self-restraint people. including me. even if your mouth feels like tearing open. that's gonna be my new year resolution.