Wednesday, February 28, 2007 at 3:46 PM
today's a weird day for me, all over the emotion spectrum if you would call it. from grief to joy. all in a single day. its hard to imagine that someone would just go like that. no time to say goodbyes to the rest of the world, no time to see the people that you might wanna see or talk to for the last time. can't even imagine losing anyone like that, especially if it were (touch wood) an odacer or (touch more wood) king prince. everything would just grind to a standstill, life would lose all colour to me. how i wish that it would rain like this everyday =)
Monday, February 26, 2007 at 11:34 PM
i can't believe how mentally and physically weak i am. it just feels more and more difficult to push myself to the limit, and when i reach it, i'm surprised that i can't go any faster or last any longer. finally rockclimbing training after 6947167583045 years. apparently we've switched to training for one arm pullups, freaky. apparently tj climbers are quite strong physically, haha, so we have to beat them!!! oops. haha. oh crap, wonder what i'm gonna talk about or connect 2 tomorrow. which is made worse by the fact that monica's grandad has just passed away. okay, i shall not think so much about it, haha
Friday, February 23, 2007 at 12:20 AM
oh haha just realised that this is my 100th post anniversary. yay. rejoice. for it has been 100 posts of memories. wonder will they still exist down the road. i suspect that the J1s this year are a little nuts. afterall which J1 stays back in school like till 9 in the canteen, when the rest have gone home, to study. yep. study, when they ain't even gotten their postings yet. total nut cases. hardworking brats. hmm i think that my maths tutor is nuts. somehow or rather he manages to link choosing university courses together with choosing of a wife. not much link in that i say, but i have to say that cook's the best. somehow i didn't regret taking econs over history, even though history rocks. haha, i must be weird. wait, i am. ever had the feeling of bliss and pain combined? its truely an amazing feeling, haha
Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 5:39 PM
blah, corss country todae, never had such an adrenaline rush quite like it before, nor has my leg itched so much before, haha. yucks, 2 more places to 30th, only 2 more places!!!and tomorrow's the start of school, which quite frankly sucks to me, they might as well give the entire week off. but then again, that round one is aiming to cut down the number of full and half days. effective and efficient changes aren't necessarily popular ones ain't it. rahh, let's all fly off to vietnam or korbu and skip ct!!!
Tuesday, February 20, 2007 at 11:03 PM
dots are pretty =) my friends are disgustingand its sad tat i can't run for cross country =(
Saturday, February 17, 2007 at 3:40 PM
finally got this nice song on my blog, but i still don't know what its name, hoping that some kind soul would tell me. neeeeekooooleeee, whereeee areeee yeeewwww? wow, this is kinda weird but i shall say it anyway.hmm, up till now i've been extremely lucky, and i would like to give thanks to whoever sent a guardian angel to protect me. coming close to death is really one heck of an experience. it really makes you rethink, look back and wonder about alot of things. it makes you grateful to all the people that you met in your life, no matter if they made you smile or cry.
Thursday, February 15, 2007 at 11:35 PM
lemons and durians taste sweet.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 12:15 AM
so long sara, we will always miss you. life's gray without cheers in your life.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007 at 11:24 PM
har, another one for those times where you have so much to say, but you just don't know how to phrase it. so this is going to turn out as one weird post. i hope that miss ng's advice for shin splints work, which is to run till your pain numb diao, which i dun really find very appealing. for those who don't know what shin splints feel like, imagine taking a hammer to whack the sides of your shin and feeling the effects everytime you walk. yep, that's shin splints for you. apparently medical advice from wikipedia suggested going for an op, so i'd take miss ng's advice. blah blah blah,i'm just blabbering crap, oh had Cougar Jts todae, well, finally, hahaha, at swensen's and played the weirdest game of 21 ever. too bad only andrew's joining olc, haha, it would be fun if the rest joined too. oh yea, tomorrow's the SR speed comp, here's wishing them good luck. fly. feeling fab is the weirdest thing that ever turned up in vj i guess. 1 hr to learn self defence. oh yea, haha, i'm sure that i can defend myself against someone in 1 hr. a look speaks a thousand words, an action speaks for itself.
Monday, February 05, 2007 at 10:39 PM

its only 2239 and my eyes cannot maintain liaoz, must do something about it.
the french school has a dammn nice wall la, totally own our wall, plus its indoors somemore, with aircon. bahh, the french are rich, hahahaha, no link. oh mann, sara's leaving us. in the coming week somemore. fellow whirlwinder. so many memories, hah. but everyone's got dreams to chase, no matter where they might take us.
art really the expression of the soul, playing the piano to even climbing. without peace of mind, nothing is able to be done correctly i realised.
Saturday, February 03, 2007 at 10:17 PM
random stuff, don't you wish that you had the ability to instantly identify songs when you hear them. that would be darn good. 543.26. that's a freaking large number for a jts. yep, 06S34's JTS. that's what happens when you treat 20+ people to fish and co. after that we all felt dammn bad, but what wonderful juniors we had. they paid for EVERYTHING. either their maths fail or they are rich or they are just superrrrrr nice people. imagine one large stack of ten and fifty dollar bills. wicked sick. we're gonna recompensate them somehow, haha. oh and i found out who my angel was, haha. one big bottle of sparkling apple juce is not wasy to hide, even more so when you try in front of me. hahahafrench school's coming tomorrow, har, totally not prepared. first and last time taking part somemore, well at least they have nice comp shirts, hahahaha. good luck to people going for punggol picnic tomorrow, from what is described, its far from a picnic.