Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at 9:47 PM
yay, finally i am getting the "just be before OT, quickly pack" kind of mood!!!!! YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!!!excited excited excited!!!!just hopefully it does not rain!bye bye world!
Monday, November 26, 2007 at 10:47 PM
life after the A's is amazingly routine, just like during the A's. you wake up every morning at the same time, sleep at roughly the same time. do the same stuff, play the same stuff, plop down in front of the tvee at the same time every night. books books books, i can't get enough of books, i wish i had millions, then i could buy borders down and make it my personal library. then all the seats would be empty and i could sit there forever, maybe open a cafe inside, then unlimited coffee or tea with a dash of milk or lemon, depending on the tea. occasionally there would be booksales on the books that i have finished, wouldn't that be fun. this year's speed route was really !#%@$^#@$!#!#@$^@ what do the kazaks eat mann, either that or they have fingers of steel.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 at 8:53 PM

6 days to clean up the mess left by close to 6 months of piling up.
god help me.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 9:22 PM
its raining, its pouring, what a dreadful noise it is making. but where's the lightning and the thunder? oh wait, here it comes, smiting all that is in its path, doors slam shut, windows rattle. a weird smell in the air, almost metallic, like the metallic aftertaste of blood. i must be growing tired, its so weird that in the day twas bright and sunny at first.
at 11:14 AM
i feel south park degrading my brain already, and there's still one paper left. hahahahhahahahahaha. today seems like a great day, great sun, even the birds are chirping. wait, they chirp everyday.
Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 8:29 PM
ever had a dream so vivid that you thought that it was real and that you didn't want it to end? the song played in the dream gets trapped within your head for the entire day, the lights, the dance, the sounds and even the smells.
Saturday, November 10, 2007 at 1:08 AM
mann, this is going to be a long post, but oh wells. heh, don't really know where to start from here, been quite a trying time for my part of my family, my aunt just passed away four days ago and its quite amazing how much you can get to see and learn during a funeral. those kind of things which cannot be applied in any A level papers unless you count divinity. hmm, i wonder if i am cursed or something. because everytime i have a major exam, someone would pass away. this had better not continue, or maybe its just a coincidence. of course this isn't the first funeral that i'd been too, but its the one which i pondered over the most. why do people like to deal with absolutes? does right mean right and wrong mean wrong? is there no neutral ground, no comprimise? well, another conclusion that i came to is that people believe in what they want to believe in, which is usually beneficial to them. i caught myself thinking this also, maybe its something that humans have built into them. and i wonder whether compassion is the uniquely human element which defines us. do other organisms mourn the same way as us? at least i know that hamsters and elephants do to a certain extent. funerals are also a time to learn about secrets that you never knew, to see the other facade of someone you thought you knew. and seriously, time is really short.really really short. memories long ago seem like they just happened yesterday. before you know it, you might be standing in front of the pearly gates. hai, i guess that we should all treasure the best, and forget the rest.
Friday, November 09, 2007 at 3:25 PM
being a harlequin would be so fun. entertaining a single thought at a time, utterly confusing that thought. wait, then i am one already.
Monday, November 05, 2007 at 8:43 PM
Describe the processing of the primary RNA transcriptCapping the the addition of a 7 methylguanosine residue on the 5` end of the primary RNA transcript, polyadenylation is the addtion of a poly adenosine tail of 200 adenylate residues by a nuclear polymerase, rna splicing is the removal of all the introns and splicing together and joining the exons, forming final mRNA. gee, what fun.