Tuesday, June 30, 2009 at 5:51 PM
i actually have a cousin that counts the number of seconds to christmas. yep, i have the same look on your face.
at 12:15 PM
if there's a only thing in this world that i hate, it would be people. yep. homo sapiens.
now you'd ask me why is this specimen of such species hating his species so?
i shall elaborate on a sub-species, slimy people. these particular sub-species possess invisible goo-glands, which excrete disgust and slime all over anything they come into contact with, generally causing an aura of disgust. such an aura is only visible to a select few, with the majority being clouded by an exotic mist of pheremones. an added feature featured in some sub-types are the presence of claws, which leads them to excel in scrabbling up people's a**es, as they attempt to find some purchase.
my advice to people is to squish these "parasites" wherever you find them, because they are such a nusiance.
Sunday, June 14, 2009 at 12:34 AM
oh yes the title explains this belated post.
after 135485091846109847519084751984750987 days long, i finally managed to satisfy the geek in me. that's right. poking around in sci-fi shops and hanging around in lan shops. i feel so proud of the geek in me.
its really quite fun to have something to occupy your free time besides work, even though its hanging around your mind like an persistant ghost. i can't wait for the 6th of Nov. tat's when all the ghosts can be excorcised! i hope.